Chamber group fivebyfive released its fourth album, Eclipse, on the Grammy-nominated Bright Shiny Things label,…
Congratulations to Gabriel Cruz Ruiz, the NFA’s 2020 First Generation in College Scholarship winner and…
We’ve combined our High Notes and Flute Club and Flute Choirs Forum columns for Summer…
New York City-based flutist Tessa Brinckman released her new album, Take Wing, Roll Back (New…
NFA member Suzanne Stumpf, co-artistic director of Musicians of the Old Post Road, received the…
Historical performance specialist Suzanne Stumpf is pleased to announce the 35th anniversary season of Musicians…
High Notes Congratulations to Jennie Oh Brown—a dedicated member of the NFA’s IDEA and historic…
NFA member news and highlights. Submit yours for the next issue here. Folias Duo (flutist…
FluteXpansions Sonic Immersion welcomed the second cohort of fellows to its international virtual summer course…
Rose Bishop recently gave the world premiere of Linda Robbins Coleman’s Diversions for alto flute,…
The League of American Orchestras has named Caen Thomason-Redus to the newly-created position of vice…
Congratulations to the Da Capo Chamber Players, who are about to celebrate their 50th anniversary!…