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Jennifer Clarke

Jennifer Clarke is Executive Director of the National Flute Association.

14 Articles Published
Flute on flowers by Jean Paul Wright
Supporting the New to Ensure the Future

As a new year begins, I am marking the fourth anniversary of my tenure as…

The Art of Collaboration at the NFA

In the news section of this issue of Flutist Quarterly, we’ve outlined all the initiatives…

by Fauxels
It Takes a Village

In just a few weeks, the NFA community will be heading to San Antonio for…

Glasses by andrik-langfield-BCChEYrooGU-unsplash
Talking Transparency

One of the topics I hear about frequently in my conversations at the NFA is…

The Beat Goes On

As we leave the holidays behind and settle into another new year, the NFA annual…

NFA LGBTQ Flute Choir credit George Kontos
Engaging Throughout the Year

The heat, light, mountainous landscape, musical breadth, and community vibe are etched into my memory…

Looking Forward

As the NFA staff prepare all the logistics for the convention—with some new faces among…

Phoenix Skyine With Moon by Welcomia- Shutterstock.com
Getting to Know New Places

One of the most exciting aspects of my job as the NFA’s Executive Director is…

Celebrating Everyone Though Music

As 2022 grows distant in the rear-view mirror, the NFA team is now diving into…

It Was So Good To See You!

Seeing the photos from the 50th Anniversary NFA Convention reignites memories of the joy and…

Chicago by Chait Goli
All Roads Lead to Chicago

As we approach the 2022 Golden Anniversary Convention, watching the great convergence of the flute…

By Sergey Shmidt
Spring Musings

As the spring issue of The Flutist Quarterly takes shape—the second in the new fully-digital…